Monday, March 14, 2022

Sitecore Developer Blog Entry #0x01

My day job involves working for a company that uses Sitecore 9 for a CMS. This is used to run a news and continuing education site for medical professionals.

Today I'm working on three tasks. One is for the publish pipeline, when a user tries to access a page for an old item that we usually redirect to a third party site. If the Sitecore item is missing a piece of information in a field used to form the redirect link to the proper 3rd party site page, the user should get a 404. The third task is wrapping up an Extract Transform Load (ETL) project.

I wasn't too familiar with the pipelining process in Sitecore as we have it implemented, so I worked with a more experienced developer, basically pair programming our way though the task.

For the redirect to 404 task, I also worked with a more experienced developer, though instead of pair programming we were both debugging the changes, making different edits, and sharing progress when one of us made it past a particular stumbling block.

My last task of the day was lower priority, but after I finished up the high priority tasks, I wanted to wrap up a project. This is a long-running project, performing an ETL workflow. Basically, it takes survey responses for online and in-person activities which we get in reports as Excel workbooks or CSVs. Some of the Excel workbooks contain only one table, and others contains several. Furthermore, there are variations on where each type of report stores certain pieces of information. I wrote the utility originally in Dot Net Core 2, but have recently upgraded it to Dot Net Framework 6. The program scans the various input files, and collates them into one unified data structure for storing the information we want. Then, the ETL process finishes by loading this data into our Google Big Query data warehouse.

Today was a pretty productive day, and my JIRA lanes are clear. That's a good thing, since the production build for the sprint is tomorrow morning.

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